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Chinese warships arrive in Portsmouth

发布时间:2015-01-14  来源:CCTV  字体大小[ ]

Navy, for an official exchange of intelligence on piracy off the Horn of Africa. The task force is part of a huge anti-piracy operation maintained by China, which has provided safe transit for around 6,000 ships in the last six years.

The crew on board the ships of the Chinese task force were welcomed by hundreds of people on the dockside with traditional Chinese greetings.

Photo taken on Jan. 12, 2015 shows Chanbaishan warship of the 18th convoy fleet sent by the Chinese People

Photo taken on Jan. 12, 2015 shows Chanbaishan warship of the 18th convoy fleet sent by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy for escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters in Portsmouth, Britain. The 18th convoy fleet completed its escort missions on Dec. 26, 2014. (Xinhua/Han Yan)

Towering over them was a symbolic barometer of Sino-UK relations, as the outstretched flag of the People's Republic flew alongside the Union Jack in gale force winds.

During the flotilla's five-day stopover here, officers of both Navies will share intelligence on counter piracy operations.

The presence of the warships, under the command of Rear Admiral Zhang Chuanshu, is a mark of 10 years strategic cooperation.

"All sailors have something in common. We share the sea, and many international obligations, including counter piracy and escorting the ships which move chemical weapons out of Syria," Zhang said.

The warships have just come through the waters off Somalia, some of the most dangerous seas in the world.

They will be comparing notes with Britain's commands team, which has just returned from the same region.

"We've always got experiences we can share and the approaches they may choose and how successful they've found them to be," said Commodore Jeremy Rigby, Portsmouth Naval Base Commander.

Photo taken on Jan. 12, 2015 shows Chaohu warship of the 18th convoy fleet sent by the Chinese People

Photo taken on Jan. 12, 2015 shows Chaohu warship of the 18th convoy fleet sent by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy for escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters in Portsmouth, Britain. The 18th convoy fleet completed its escort missions on Dec. 26, 2014. (Xinhua/Han Yan)

Photo taken on Jan. 12, 2015 shows Royal Marines Band performing ahead of the welcoming ceremony for the 18th convoy fleet sent by the Chinese People

Photo taken on Jan. 12, 2015 shows Royal Marines Band performing ahead of the welcoming ceremony for the 18th convoy fleet sent by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy for escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters in Portsmouth, Britain. The 18th convoy fleet completed its escort missions on Dec. 26, 2014. (Xinhua/Han Yan)

中国公共新闻摘编GAN JADE

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